Edit an asset

How to edit the files and metadata for a Unity Cloud Asset.

Read time 2 minutes
Last updated a year ago

You can update the metadata and properties the system uses to make an asset discoverable, individual files in the asset, or the preview file the system uses to make the asset visually identifiable.

Before you start

  • You can only edit an asset in the Asset Manager Project to which it was uploaded.
  • When you edit custome metadata fields, you must not leave a value field empty.
  • Updating an asset overwrites any existing data, you cannot revert the asset to a preview version.

Edit an asset from the side panel

To edit an asset from the side panel, follow these steps:

  1. Inspect an asset from the main library.
  2. In the side panel, select Edit.
  3. Make necessary changes to the metadata or edit the thumbnail the system uses for the asset.
  4. To save your changes, select Save.

Edit asset from the Manage files view

To edit an asset from the Manage files view, follow these steps:

  1. From the Asset Library view, select the asset you want to edit and then select Inspect.
  2. In the side panel, select the Dataset tab.
  3. Select Manage Files.
  4. Mak necessary changes to the metadata or identify a new file for the system to use to generate previews for the asset.
  5. Select Save

Update a file in the asset

You can update the dataset, model, or metadata file for an asset from the Manage Files view. Do any of the following:

  • To upload a new file, select Upload.
  • To remove a file from the asset, select Remove
  • To set the file as the one the system uses to generate previews, select Preview/Generate previews