Get started

This section explains how to start using Unity Cloud Python SDK.

Read time 2 minutes
Last updated a year ago

Before you start, verify you meet the prerequisites.

Install the Python SDK package

To install Python SDK, follow these steps:

  • Run the following command: pip install --index-url unity-cloud
  • If it's not the first time you're installing the Python SDK, add the --force-reinstall argument in the command as follows: pip install --index-url unity-cloud --force-reinstall.

Use the Python SDK

To use the SDK, first call initialize(). Here is an example of the typical initialize process:

def initialize():
    # Check whether the user is signed in
    auth_state = unity_cloud.identity.user_login.get_authentication_state()
    if auth_state != unity_cloud.identity.user_login.Authentication_State.LOGGED_IN:

However, if you need to run an initialization again, you must uninitialize before that. Here is an example of the typical uninitialize process:

def uninitialize():

Read more about the Identity module and managing authentication.