Manage transformations

Read time 3 minutes
Last updated 10 months ago

Before you start

To access and create transformations, make sure the app has the right accesses. Read more about managing Identity.

How do I...?

Start a transformation

To start a transformation on a given dataset, follow these steps:

  1. Pass all the information to identify the dataset.
  2. Pass the WorkflowType you would like to start.

The possible values for WorkflowType are:


The returned object is the created transformation. Make sure to retrieve the id contained in the return object to later refresh and track the progress of the transformation.

    transformation = unity_cloud.assets.start_transformation(
        org_id = "012345678912",
        project_id = "1234abcd-ab12-cd34-ef56-123456abcdef",
        asset_id = "0123456789abcdefghijklmn",
        asset_version = "1234abcd-ab12-cd34-ef56-123456abcdef",
        dataset_id = "1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-123456abcdef",
        workflow_type = unity_cloud.WorkflowType.THUMBNAIL_GENERATION

Get a transformation

To get a previously started transformation on a dataset whether already completed or not, pass the information of the dataset and the id of the transformation.

    transformation = unity_cloud.assets.get_transformation(
        org_id = "012345678912",
        project_id = "1234abcd-ab12-cd34-ef56-123456abcdef",
        asset_id = "0123456789abcdefghijklmn",
        asset_version = "1234abcd-ab12-cd34-ef56-123456abcdef",
        dataset_id = "1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-123456abcdef",
        workflow_id = "012345678912"

List transformations

You can list transformations from an organization and project by using one or many of those optional arguments:

  • asset_id : The asset affected by the transformation. Leave empty to search all assets.
  • asset_version : The version of the asset. Leave empty to search all asset versions.
  • dataset_id: The dataset ID. Leave empty to search through all possible datasets.
  • transformation_status. The transformation status. Leave empty to search all transformation statuses.
  • user_id: The user that started the transformation. Leave empty to search all users.
  • limit_to: The maximum of amount of results that should be returned. Leave empty to return everything.
  • skip: Use in combination of limit_to to page through results.
transformations = unity_cloud.assets.list_transformations(
        org_id = "012345678912",
        project_id = "1234abcd-ab12-cd34-ef56-123456abcdef",
        <optional arguments>)