Manage Unity Version Control files with Asset Manager

Add files from Unity Version Control to Cloud Assets to enhance them which will help you to identify the Cloud Assets with previews and metadata. You can now access the most recent updates made via Unity Version Control clients on Asset Manager.

Read time 2 minutes
Last updated 10 months ago


To add files from Unity Version Control (Unity VCS) to a Cloud asset, you need to:

  • Be an Asset Manager Admin in your Unity organization.
  • Have access rights to the Unity VCS repository you want to index your files from.

Add files from Unity VCS to Cloud Assets

To add files from Unity VCS to Cloud Assets, follow these steps:

  1. In Asset Manager, on the top right side, select the + Add button.
  2. Select Add asset or Add multiple assets. A new window opens.
  3. In the dataset, select Browse VCS. The Unity Version Control file explorer opens.
  4. Select the Unity Version Control organization, repository, and branch you want to pull files from.
  5. Select the files or folders you want to create assets for.

6. Select the Open button. The files get added to the dataset.

7. Select Save changes. On the file level, the following metadata is added:

  • the file path in the Unity VCS repository.
  • the URL to the file on the Unity VCS dashboard page.