
This section describes errors or problems you can encounter when you use Asset Manager for Unity Version Control.

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Last updated 10 months ago

I can't find my Unity Version Control file or folder in my Cloud asset

If you can't find your Unity Version Control (Unity VCS) file or folder in your Cloud asset, it might be because a mapping is missing between Unity VCS and Asset Manager.

To fix this issue, you first need to map the new location where you will move your file or folder to in Asset Manager. Otherwise, when committing your changes, your update won't be pushed to Asset Manager as the connection won't be able to find the mapping based on the filename.

While creating an asset, I can browse my Unity VCS repository, but I can't add a file or a folder to my dataset

If you can't add a Unity VCS file or folder to your dataset, it can be because you don't have the required permissions on the selected Unity VCS repository or that the person who set up the integrations was not the Unity VCS admin. Check with your admin to fix this issue.

My Asset Manager is connected to Unity VCS, but the Browse VCS button is disabled

The button is disabled if you don't have an Asset Manager Admin role in your Unity Organization. Check with your organization admin to grant you the role.